Policy Index by Number

3344-1  Bylaws of the Board of Trustees
3344 1 01  Meeting of the board of trustees.
3344 1 02  Officers of the board.
3344 1 03  University administration.
3344 1 04  University faculty and staff.
3344 1 05  Miscellaneous.
3344 1 06  Bylaws, rules and regulations; their promulgation, amendment and repeal.

3344 2 01  Formulation and issuance of policies.

3344 2 03  Policy against discrimination, harassment, sexual violence and retaliation.

3344 2 06  Expressive activity policy.

3344 2 07 Title IX policy.

3344 2 08 Anti-hazing policy.

3344 0 09 Campus Free Speech
3344 3 01  Space, unit and entity naming.


3344 8 01  Electronic signatures.

3344 8 03  Records management and retention.

3344 11 04  Conflict of interest.

3344 11 07  Appointment of chairs, school director and deans.


3344 13 03  Standing committees.




3344 16 08  Emeritus faculty.

3344 16 14  University teaching council.




3344 21 02  Policy on academic misconduct.


3344 22 01 Textbook selection policy.

3344 27 01  Health and safety policy.


3344 23 01 Involuntary student leave of absence policy.


3344 33 01  Policy for review of residency status.




3344 60 03 Employer-sponsored immigration.




3344-63  Classified Employee Personnel Policies
3344 63 01 Classified employee personnel policies.
3344 63 02 Employment at Cleveland state university.
3344 63 03 Pay procedures and hours of work.
3344 65 04 Types of leave.
3344 65 05  Benefits.


3344-65  Purchasing Policies

3344 65 02  Definitions for procurement terms.
3344 65 05  Purchases below bid threshold.


3344 65 21  Approval of purchase orders and change orders.


3344 65 27  Procurement of professional design services.




3344 70 01 Paid Parental Leave Policy.

3344 71 01  Compensation of classified employees for unused sick leave.

3344 78 01  Policy on the disposal of university property.

3344 80 01 University-sponsored international travel.


3344 82 01  Deceased Student Policy.   

Student Code of Conduct
3344 83 01 

3344 84 01 Medical amnesty/good samaritan policy. 


3344 86 02  Preferred names.

3344 90 01  University space.
3344 90 02  Use of space for non-academic purposes.
3344 90 03  Policy regarding "persona non grata" status for campus visitors.
3344 92 01  Cleveland state university police.
3344 93 01  Policy limiting carryover of vacation leave for non-bargaining classified employees.


Campus Location
Office of University Compliance
Administration Center, 316
2300 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-2125
Fax: 216-687-3736

Ethics Hotline