
Click  for McNair Office Travel Forms.

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McNair Conferences and Events

Conferences and events open to all McNair Scholars. Students will only need to tell the 精东传媒 McNair 精东传媒 that they are interested in attending and submit the 精东传媒 McNair Office travel forms at least thirty days in advance of the conference date (available ). The McNair 精东传媒 staff will thereafter help to facilitate preparations and will send instructions as to how to prepare to attend. 

The University of California, Los Angeles: National McNair Conference and Graduate School Fair

Location: Los Angeles, CA
Description: A conference targeting (but not limited to) McNair Scholars involved in high-quality research, featuring opportunities for students to present and share research findings, network, and receive information and mentorship regarding graduate studies.
Last Check to Ensure Current Information: February 1, 2024


University of Maryland: National Conference for McNair Scholars and Undergraduate Research

Location: College Park, MD
Description: A national McNair Scholar's conference featuring workshops, networking, opportunities to present research, and other activities.
Last Check to Ensure Current Information: February 1, 2024


University of New Mexico: McNair Scholars Research Conference

Location: Albuquerque, NM
Description: A conference offering McNair Scholars the opportunity to network, present research, view presentations from McNair alumni, and participate in career services and graduate school fair while visiting a unique part of the country with a rich cultural and historical background.
Last Check to Ensure Current Information: February 1, 2024


Other Conferences and Events

Conferences and events not affiliated with the McNair 精东传媒. Scholars may have to meet specific criteria and/or submit materials in order to attend and will usually have to initiate the process of preparing for their attendance. The 精东传媒 McNair 精东传媒 will be able to assist with regard to fees and transportation costs in most cases, although students must, again, submit the 精东传媒 McNair Office travel forms at least thirty days in advance of the conference date (available ).


Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)

Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Description: A large-scale professional conference for STEM students from groups underrepresented in higher education, students who are military veterans, and students with disabilities.
Last Check to Ensure Current Information: February 1, 2024


Emory University: Learning About Laney

Location: Atlanta, GA
Description: Meet Emory faculty and current graduate scholars, learn more about the graduate school admissions process and participate in Diversity, Financial Resources, and Professional Development Workshops.
Last Check to Ensure Current Information: February 1, 2024


Indiana University - Bloomington: Getting You Into Indiana University (GU2IU)

Location: Bloomington, IL
Description: A multi-day recruitment program for students, especially from groups underrepresented in higher education, who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. or M.F.A program. Indiana University pays all the costs of the visit, including lodging, transportation, meals, and travel to and from the airport.
Last Check to Ensure Current Information: February 1, 2024


Ohio State University: Graduate Engineering Open House

Location: Columbus, OH
Description: An event providing information about Ohio State's Engineering, Computer Science, Chemistry, Math, and Physics graduate programs and application process. Those belonging to groups underrepresented in STEM are strongly encouraged to apply.
Last Check to Ensure Current Information: February 1, 2024


Pennsylvania State University: STEM State Open House

Location: University Park, PA
Description: An open house targeting junior and senior undergraduate STEM students from backgrounds underrepresented in higher education who are interested in applying to graduate programs at the Penn State University Park campus.
Last Check to Ensure Current Information: February 2, 2024


Rice University: Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium (GCURS)

Location: Houston, TX
Description: A symposium designed to provide a forum for undergraduate researchers to present their findings, while fostering intercollegiate interactions between student researchers and faculty.
Last Check to Ensure Current Information: February 2, 2024


University of Madison-Wisconsin: Bioscience Initiative for Recruiting and Networking

Location: Madison, WI
Description: A programming event designed to connect prospective underrepresented minority students to bioscience faculty, staff, and graduate students of UW-Madison.
Last Check to Ensure Current Information: February 2, 2024

Mailing Address
McNair Scholars 精东传媒
2121 Euclid Ave., SR155
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Campus Address
Science Research, Room 155

Contact Us
Phone: 216.802.3360
Fax: 216.802.3368