BFSO Purpose and Objectives


Serve as an Advocate for the Interest of Black Faculty, Staff and Students

  1. Networking with other black faculty and staff and administrators throughout the University.
  2. Part of any forum to discuss concerns, issues and have a voice in campus life.
  3. Chance to get involved in community through BFSO participation.
  4. Part of a forum to discuss issues and concerns pertaining to people of African decent.
  5. Work on projects pertaining to concerns of people of African decent.
  6. Serve as a pipeline for retention and recruitment of students, staff, and faculty.

Special Objectives of the Black Faculty & Staff Organization

To insure the representation of Black faculty, students and staff within the University at all levels:
  • Annual co-sponsorship of the Curtis Wilson Scholarship Fund Dinner Dance and Funding of Mid-Term book scholarships.
  • Members are represented on University's standing committees and Special AD Hoc Committees.
To improve the condition of the Black community by supporting the enrollment of a significant number of Black students and the employment of greater numbers of Black persons in the faculty and staff ranks:
  • Members participate in student mentoring programs.
  • Publishes the Status Report of Blacks at CSU showing faculty and staff employment and student enrollment percentages.
To serve as a resource bureau of concerned Black people for CSU, the Black community and the general populace of Northeast Ohio
  • Provide professional networking and social opportunities.
  • Provides a system of mutual support.

Mailing Address
CSU Black Faculty and Staff Organization
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214