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NonDegree TOTALCollege Level by Attendance Undergraduate Masters/Law TOTALNOTES:TOTALBy College, Sex and RaceWhiteBlackHispanicAsian or Pacific IslanderAmerican IndianNot ApplicableNon-Resident AliensFemaleMale Total Female Total MaleNOTES: d2. Full-time status was defined as: Any student registered for a minimum of 12 hours for all levels.Graduate Studies Summer 2002d1. Minority students are 21.6% of the total population, or 24.8% of the students identified by race.1. Total headcount in this report excludes 21 students with zero credit hours and 7 students taking SAB (Study Abroad) courses only. The total unduplicated headcount without these omissions is 9,446.2. Total headcount in this report excludes 21 students with zero credit hours and 7 students taking SAB (Study Abroad) courses. 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