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Courses offered in other disciplines may be approved if they meet the other conditions indicated below. 2. Courses must provide students with background knowledge and analytical skills that will allow them to: Demonstrate understanding of how human beings interpret, translate, and represent diverse experiences of the world through language, literature, the historical record, philosophical systems, images, sounds, and performances. Apply that understanding to the study of the human condition, cultural heritage, cultural artifacts, creativity, and history. **Additional criterion for courses NOT specifically focused on Asia, Latin America, Africa or the Middle East: Courses must be survey courses that provide an overview of a broad topic or field of knowledge. **Additional criteria for courses focused on Asia, Latin America, Africa and/or the Middle East: The primary focus of the course must be on a society or societies in Asia, Latin America, Africa and/or the Middle East. Courses that compare these societies to those of North America and/or Europe may be approved only if the majority of the course material concerns the first group of societies and the principal purpose of the course is to improve students understanding of those societies. Content must be presented from the perspective(s) of the societies being studied, not simply European and/or American perceptions of those societies. DIRECTIONS 1) Copy and paste the criteria given above into your syllabus. Include that syllabus with your proposal in Curriculog. 2) In this document, explain how the course meets the criteria by answering the questions below. Include enough detail for the committees to be able to understand how your course meets the criteria. Feel free to copy and paste information over from your syllabus into this document to answer the questions. Include this document in your Curriculog proposal. How will this course require a student to: Demonstrate an understanding of how human beings interpret, translate, and represent diverse experiences of the world through language, literature, the historical record, philosophical systems, images, sounds, and performances? Apply that knowledge in order to analyze problems, questions, and issues related to the study of the human condition, cultural history, creativity and history? **For courses focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East On what society or societies of Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East does the course focus? If this is a comparative course that includes the US and/or Europe, explain how it emphasizes the other society and how it improves students understanding of it. How does the course provide students with a focus on the perspective(s) of the primary society being studied? SKILL AREAS Departments are strongly encouraged to promote consistent skill areas across multiple sections of the same course. If there will be variation in the skill areas promoted, separate syllabi and relevant check sheets for each section must be submitted. Please indicate which skill areas (at least two) your course will promote and attach the relevant coversheet and answers. _____ Writing _____ Quantitative Literacy _____ Critical Thinking _____ Information Literacy _____ Group Work _____ Oral Communication _____ Civic Engagement     Instructors Name ________________________________________  PAGE 1 Y b J ]  F G  ( wxde˿۴{hUjhw&5CJaJhHhw&hA3CJaJhHhw&5CJaJhHhX1CJaJhw&CJaJhHhw&CJaJhphw&5CJ aJ hw&5CJ aJ hhw&hw& hOMhw&hOMhw&5 hw&5hziIhw&5CJ$aJ$0Y b G (  & Fgdw&gdw&&$d%d&d'dNOPQgdw&$a$gdw&2$$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQa$gdw&( wxe 2$$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQa$gd:h^hgdw& & Fgdw&^gdw&gdw&gdw&  & Fgdw&  FHru%&FH'*8WWPQWCӻhw&CJOJQJh 7hw&hA3CJOJQJh 7hw&hA3OJQJh 7hw&hA3 h 7hw&hZh5 h:5hZh:5h:5CJ aJ h:hw&? 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