Colleges Compete in Spicy Challenge to Benefit Lift Up Vikes! Food Pantry


精东传媒 University???s College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences (CLASS) and the College of Sciences & Health Professions (COSHP) put the spice in a friendly competition for the benefit of CSU students in need.

CLASS faculty and staff challenged their COSHP colleagues to donate the most spices and oils to the university???s food pantry, Lift Up Vikes! Both colleges came out strong, collecting a total of 180 pounds of goods.

While the COSHP team edged out its CLASS colleagues, the real winners are CSU students who rely on Lift Up Vikes! for non-perishable food items, eggs and meat.

The colleges opted to collect spices and cooking oils because Lift Up Vikes! is in need of these items to supplement the food basics it provides to CSU students.

???The goal was to help CSU students and to raise awareness about the presence of the Lift Up Vikes! on campus,??? said Cheryl Bracken, associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.

???We are grateful to all faculty and staff who willingly pitched in,??? added Meredith Bond, dean of the College of Sciences & Health Professions, ???and really want to highlight the critical work our food pantry does to support our students.???

Lift Up Vikes! offers a simple, dignified and compassionate process through which CSU students are connected to resources that supplement nutritional and other basic human needs. Started in February 2016 as an expansion of the CSU Women???s Center food pantry, the program meets a real and growing need. On average, 15 students are fed per day. To learn more, visit .